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Universidad de Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Australia National University: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
James Cook University: Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
Konstanz University: Research program in literary anthropology
Macquarie University: Department of Anthropology
Melbourne University: Department of Classics & Archaeology
University of New England: Department of Archaeology and Paleoanthropology
University of Sydney: Archaeological Computing Lab
University of Western Australia: Department of Anthropology
University of Ghent: Department of Archaeology and Ancient History
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology Program
Université de Liège: Centre de Recherche Archéologique
University of Department of ArchaeologyCalgary
Ancient Studies Collaborative Program
ARCRA: Cercle de Ressources en Archéologie, Montreal Universities
University of Manitoba : Anthropology Department
McGill University: Department of Anthropology
McMaster University: Department of Anthropology
University of Saskatchewan: Dept. of Anthropology and Archaeology
University of Saskatchewan, Classics
Simon Fraser University: Department of Archaeology
University of Toronto: Department of Anthropology
University of Victoria: Department of Anthropology
University of Waterloo, Anthropology
University of Waterloo, Classics
University of Western Ontario: Department of Anthropology
University of Western Ontario, Classics
University of Geneva: Groupe de Recherches en Archéologie Préhistorique
University of Lausannne: Department of Classical Studies
University of Zurich: Department for Prehistory and Early History
Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile
Turku University: Department of Archaeology
University of Bamberg: Department of Medieval and Modern Archaeology
Cologne University, Institut fuer Ur- und Fruehgeschichte
University of Freiburg: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
University of Hamburg: Department of Egyptology
Tübingen, der Universität: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Anthropology
Dublin University College: Department of Greek and Roman Civilisation
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Institute of Archaeology
Tel Aviv University, The Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology
Tel Aviv University: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Okayama University: Department of Archaeology
University of Tezukayama: Tezukayama Archaeological Institute
National University of Malaysia: Department of History
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Universidad
University of Nijmegem: Centre for Pacific Studies
University of Auckland: Department of Anthropology
Massey University: Department of Social Anthropology
University of Otaga: Department of Anthropology
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Cape Town: Department of Archaeology
University of South Africa: Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
University of Lund: Institute of Archaeology
Stockholms universitet: Arkeologiska institutionen
Umeå University: Department of Archaeology
University of Barcelona: Hominid Paleo-Ethology Uni
Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Historia Antigua
Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueologia
Laboratori d'Arqueologia de la UPF
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid: Departmento de Prehistoria y Arqueologia
Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, University [Laboratori d'Arqueologia de la UPF]
Universidad de Salamanca: Deptº de Prehistoria, Hª Antigua y Arqueología
Universidad de Sevilla: Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueologia
Bilkent University, Department of Archaeology and History of Art
Bournemouth University: Archaeology Group
University of Bradford, Department of Archaeological Sciences
University of Bristol: Department of Archaeology
University of Cambridge, Department of Archaeology
Cardiff University, School of History and Archaeology
University of Durham: Department of Archaeology
University of Edinburgh: Department of Archaeology
University of Glasgow: Archaeology Department
University of Hull: Centre for Wetland Archaeology
Lampeter, University of Wales: Department of Archaeology
University of Leicester, School of Archaeological Studies
University of Leicester, Ancient History
Liverpool University: School of Archaeology, Classics and Oriental Studies
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
University of Oxford: Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of Oxford: Anthropology and Archaeology Corner
Queen's University, Belfast: Archaeology Department
University of Reading: Department of Archaeology
Scottish Institute of Maritime Studies
University of Sheffield: Department of Archaeology and Prehistory
Staffordshire University: Computing Archaeology Research Group
University College London: Institute of Archaeology
University of Wales, Lampeter: Department of Archaeology
University of York: ARCH_HELP: Archaeology course information
ACL List of Undergraduate Programs in Classics
University of Alabama: Department of Anthropology
Albany, State University of New York: Anthropology Department
American University: Department of Anthropology
Appalachian State University: Department of Anthropology
Arizona State University: Department of Anthropology
University of Arizona: Department of Classics and Classical Archaeology
University of Arkansas: Department of Anthropology
Binghamton University: Department of Anthropology
Boston University: Department of Archaeolog
Brown University: Department of Anthropology
Brown University, Underwater Archaeology Project
Brown University, Old World Archaeology and Art
University of Buffalo: Anthropology Department
University of California at Berkeley: Archaeological Research Facility
University of California at Davis: Anthropology Department
University of California at Irvine: Department of Anthropology
University of California at Los Angeles: UCLA Institute of Archaeology
University of California at Los Angeles: Department of Anthropology
University of California at Santa Barbara: Anthropology Department
Central Connecticut State University: Department of Anthropology
University of Chicago: Department of Anthropology
The Chicago Anthropology Exchange Oriental Institute
University of Cincinatti, : Department of Anthropology
Colby College: Department of Religious Studies
Columbia University: Department of Anthropology
University of Connecticut: Department of Anthropology
Cornell University Program of Archaeology Department of Anthropology
University of Delaware: Department of Anthropology
East Carolina University: Program in Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology
University of Evansville: Department of Archaeology and Art History
Florida Atlantic University: Department of Anthropology
Florida State University: Department of Anthropology
FSU Program in Underwater Archaeology
Franklin & Marshall College: Department of Anthropology
George Mason University: Anthropology Program, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Georgia State University: Department of Anthropology and Geography
Hamline University: Department of Anthropology
Harvard University: Department of Anthropology
Humboldt State University: Native American Studies
Hunter College of the City University of New York: Department of Anthropology
Johns Hopkins University: Department of Anthropology
University of Kansas: Department of Anthropology
University of Kentucky: Department of Anthropology
University of Kentucky, Classics
Lawrence University: Department of Anthropology
Lehigh University: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
LeMoyne College: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Loyola University: Anthropology Program
Univesity of Maine: Department of Anthropology
University of Maryland at College Park: Anthropology Department
University of Massachusetts: Department of Anthropology
University of Memphis: Department of Anthropology
Field School Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology
University of Michigan: Department of Anthropology
University of Michigan: Classical Studies
University of Michigan: Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology
Michigan State University: Department of Anthropology
Michigan Technological University: Industrial Archaeology Program
Middle Tennessee State University: Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work
University of Minnesota: Anthropology Department
University of Missouri, Art History and Archaeology
University of Missouri, Classics
Morris: Anthropology Department
Mississippi State University: Cobb Institute of Archeology
University of Missouri: Department of Anthropology
University of Montana: Anthropology Department
University of Nebraska: Department of Anthropology
New Mexico, State University: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
University of New Mexico: Department of Anthropology
New York University: Department of Anthropology
North Carolina, University of: Research Laboratories of Anthropology
University of-Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Department of Anthropology
University of-Greensboro, North Carolina: Department of Anthropology
University of-Greensboro, North Carolina: Archaeology Program
Northern Arizona University: Department of Anthropology
Northern Illinois University: Department of Anthropology
Northern Kentucky University: Anthropology Department
Northwestern State University (Louisiana): Department of Social Sciences
University of Notre Dame: Anthropology Department
Ohio State University: Department of Anthropology
University of Oklahoma: Department of Anthropology
State University of New York College at Oneonta: Department of Anthropology
University of Oregon Teaching Materials for Ancient History
Pennsylvania State University, Anthropology Department
University of Pittsburgh: Department of Anthropology
University of Pittsburgh, Classics
Portland State University, Anthropology Department
State University of New York at Potsdam: Department of Anthropology
Princeton University: Deparment of Anthropology
Quinebaug Valley Community-Technical College: Department of Anthropology/Sociology
Radford University: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Randolph Community College: Archaeological & Historical Preservation Technology Program
Ripon College, Department of Anthropology
San Diego State University: Department of Anthropology
San Diego State University, Associated Anthropology Students
San Francisco State University: Anthropology Department
Sonoma State University, Department of Anthropology
University of South Carolina: Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology
University of South Dakota: Anthropology Department
University of South Florida, Department of Anthropology
South Puget Sound, Community College
University of Southern California: Department of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale: Department of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University: Center for Archaeological Investigations
Southern Methodist University: Department of Anthropology
University of Southern Mississippi: Department of Anthropology and Sociology
State University of New York
Stanford University: Department of Anthropology
Temple University: Department of Anthropology
Texas A&M University: Department of Anthropology
University of Texas at Austin: Department of Anthropology
Univerity of Texas at Austin, Classics
University of Virginia: Department of Anthropology
University of Virginia, Classics
Wake Forest University: Department of Anthropology
Washington State University: Department of Anthropology
University of Washington: Department of Anthropology Luminescence Dating Lab
Washington University: Department of Anthropology
Wesleyan University, Classical Studies Department
Western Connecticut State University: Department of Social Sciences
William and Mary: Department of Anthropology & Center for Archaeological Research
University of Wisconsin, Madison
University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse: Archaeology Program
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Classics
Yale University Undergraduate information Graduate information
University of Belgrade: Department of Archaeology
Academic Departments Page Created March, 1998. Page Last Updated: May 11, 1998. URL: https://members.tripod.com/~archonnet/dept.html Maintained by Tumay Asena. E-mail: archonnet@pemail.net Best viewed with 800x600, 256 colors. |